Monday, May 17, 2010

Binding take 2.

I have complained many times about binding a quilt. It is something that I have struggled with and had a hard time learning. Well it seems that I finally figured it out! Yeah!!! I even showed my boyfriend, saying, "See?! Isn't this awesome?! I FINALLY did it!!". He gave me a weak smile and a "yeah". He didn't realize that he should have thrown me a quilt binding parade! He did give me a nice hug though, so that was good enough!

After studying this tutorial (over and over): I then felt confident enough to try again. I first put binding on a few of the quilts I have made for my puppy. These turned out well so then I put binding on my Roman Squares quilt and the Rainbow Quilt.

This is the rolled up binding.

Pictures of the finished binding from many angles! I was so happy with the results. I cannot tell you how good it feels to have this turn out!!

1 comment:

Katie said...

Wow!! your quilt looks fantastic!! Way to go on figuring out the binding!!